Welcome to SketchUp Extensions for Professionals!
- Build and Edit intelligent models of real building materials
- Define and save custom Profiles
- Parametric Assemblies (Combine unlimited profiles and components into a path-based parametric model!)
- Set the height and width of any profile
- Profile and Assembly browser
- Profiles stay upright on helical paths
- Extend / Split Profile Member tool
- Revolve a Profile
- Trimming tools
- Automatic orientation of profile extrusion along any path
- Full control of profile orientation along a path
- Smart-Path select Tool
- NEW – Span Assembly parts for creating incredible assemblies!
- NEW – Hole Tool for creating parametric holes and openings!
- NEW – Auto-assemble feature creates instant assemblies with one click!
- NEW – Set the height of an assembly
- Join Profile Builder Objects
- Pre-select Profile Members or Assemblies and click the Join button in the toolbar
- Extend Tool now works for Assemblies
- Extend, split (using CTRL), or create a gap in a closed loop assembly
- Assembly Placement Point Tool
- Click to set a new insertion point for the assembly. ENTER to apply.
- New Hole Features
- Select holes
- Create holes in Assemblies
- Move / Copy holes within Profile Members or Assemblies
- Edit hole properties within Profile Members or Assemblies
- Delete holes within Assemblies
- Holes applied to Assemblies now persist after editing
- Assembly Height Tool for stretching or shrinking an assembly
- Set the stretch plane by moving the red line. ENTER to apply.
- ‘Live Edit’ an Assembly
- Use right-click context menu or double-click the apply assembly attributes button. In this mode, any changes to the assembly settings will be applied automatically to the selected assemblies.
- Snap Length can now be set and saved for an assembly
- Add Points to Path of Profile Member or Assembly
- Use right-click context menu to access this feature. Then click the end of the object you want to add points to.
- Trim to Face now supports trimming to two faces
- After selecting first face, hold SHIFT to pick the second face
- Random scale of assembly components
- Enter min and max uniform scale values
- New Layout options for Assembly components
- Auto Layout (visually pleasing distribution)
- Force component at mid-point
- Force gap at mid-point
- Component at mid-point only
- Hide start and end of Profile Members inside assemblies to create visual continuity between Profile Members and Component parts
- New ‘None’ Junction option for building discontinuous Profile Members along each edge with no trimming
- Set visibility of assembly parts
全球熱銷 – 適用於 SketchUp 的實用擴展程式
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