Trimble Connect License Usage Instructions

This article is primarily designed for users who have purchased a Trimble Connect AR/MR license. We believe that after reading this article, you will have a clearer understanding of Trimble Connect license management and the correct usage methods.

Log in to your license management platform

Upon accessing this platform, the default content loaded will be the page for the Trimble Connect license item(s) you have purchased.

You will see the current product items along with their assigned users and the expiration date of the products.

Manage your users

You can click on the 【Users】 option in the left-hand menu to complete user management (as shown in the image below).

Manage your users:Create users

You can click on the 【+ CREATE USER】to add a new user (as shown in the image below).

Fill in this user’s information:

  • Email  (Please ensure this user has already registered with a Trimble ID before adding them.)
  • First name
  • Last name

After entering the required information, click on 【CREATE NEW USER】(as shown in the image below).

Manage your users:Revoke user

In the existing member list, for one or more users click on the delete icon as highlighted in the red circle to remove the user (as shown in the image below).

Manage your license seats

You can click on the【Licenses】to manage licenses.

Manage your license seats:Revoke license

You can click on the revoke (cross sign) symbol to unassign the license for that user (as shown in the image below).

Manage your license seats:Assign license

When you have surplus license available for assignment and have already added users to the Users section, you can click on the button highlighted in the red circle to assign licenses (as shown in the image below).

Please select the corresponding users based on the quantity of licenses you have purchased, then click on 【ASSIGN USERS】 to complete the assignment (as shown in the image below).

Once completed, the page for the license list will be automatically loaded (as shown in the image below).




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